Rhythm of Handwriting Manuscript Set
Teach manuscript handwriting to students of all ages and ability levels! With this set, students will learn rhythmic instructions, develop motion mastery and strengthen their A-Z phonogram knowledge!
ROH Online Supplement: Manuscript
Build a joy-filled hybrid environment with ROH Online Supplement: Manuscript! This digital add-on provides instructional videos that contain rhythmic and explicit directions for writing uppercase letters, lowercase letters and numbers.
Teaching Manuscript Handwriting
Teach Where Every Letter Begins
Rhythm of Handwriting Manuscript minimizes the number of starting places, instructing students exactly where to begin each letter to eliminate confusion and help students to form letters consistently.
Develop Muscle Memory for Consistent Writing
Learning the letters grouped by initial stroke helps students to remember the starting point and helps the student to develop the muscle memory needed for consistent writing.
Easy-to-Recall Cues
The short rhythmic instructions provide a memorable cue to prompt students as they are developing mastery. These cues also reinforce the natural rhythm associated with fluid handwriting.
Facilitate Transitioning Between Styles
The strokes and cues for the lowercase letters are closely matched to our cursive style to facilitate ease in transition from one style to the other.